import asyncio
import time
import inspect
import typing
import numpy as np
from selenium_driverless.scripts.geometry import gen_combined_path, pos_at_time, bias_0_dot_5
def make_rand_click_timeout():
return 0.125 + (bias_0_dot_5(0.5, 0.5) - 0.5) / 10
# => should be about 130ms +/-50
[docs]class Modifiers:
NONE = 0
"""no modifier"""
ALT = 1
"""alt modifier"""
CTRL = 2
"""CTRL modifier"""
"""COMMAND modifier"""
"""SHIFT modifier"""
[docs]class PointerType:
MOUSE = "mouse"
PEN = "pen"
"""a pointer of type \"pen\""""
[docs]class EventType:
PRESS = "mousePressed"
RELEASE = "mouseReleased"
MOVE = "mouseMoved"
WHEEL = "mouseWheel"
[docs]class PointerEvent:
# noinspection GrazieInspection
def __init__(self, type_: str, x: int, y: int,
modifiers: int = Modifiers.NONE,
timestamp: float = None, button: str = MouseButton.LEFT, buttons: int = Buttons.DEFAULT,
click_count: int = 0, force: float = 0, tangential_pressure: float = 0,
tilt_x: float = 0, tilt_y: float = 0, twist: float = 0, delta_x: int = 0, delta_y: int = 0,
pointer_type: str = PointerType.MOUSE):
see `Input.dispatchMouseEvent <>`_ for reference
self._command = "Input.dispatchMouseEvent"
self.type_ = type_
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.modifiers = modifiers
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.button = button
self.buttons = buttons
self.click_count = click_count
self.force = force
self.tangential_pressure = tangential_pressure
self.tilt_x = tilt_x
self.tilt_y = tilt_y
self.twist = twist
self.delta_x = delta_x
self.delta_y = delta_y
self.pointer_type = pointer_type
[docs] def to_json(self) -> typing.List[typing.Union[str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, str]]]]:
"""the event as JSON"""
_json = {
"type": self.type_,
"x": self.x,
"y": self.y,
"modifiers": self.modifiers,
"button": self.button,
"clickCount": self.click_count,
"force": self.force,
"tangentialPressure": self.tangential_pressure,
"tiltX": self.tilt_x,
"tiltY": self.tilt_y,
"twist": self.twist,
"deltaX": self.delta_x,
"deltaY": self.delta_y,
"pointerType": self.pointer_type
if self.timestamp:
_json["timestamp"] = self.timestamp
if self.buttons:
_json["buttons"] = self.buttons
return [self._command, _json]
[docs]class BasePointer:
def __init__(self, driver, pointer_type: str = PointerType.MOUSE):
self.pointer_type = pointer_type
self._driver = driver
[docs] async def dispatch(self, event: PointerEvent):
"""dispatches a PointerEVent"""
await self._driver.execute_cdp_cmd(*event.to_json())
[docs] async def down(self, **kwargs):
"""press the mouse
:param kwargs: kwargs for :class:`PointerEvent <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.PointerEvent>`
event = PointerEvent(type_=EventType.PRESS, **kwargs)
await self.dispatch(event)
[docs] async def up(self, **kwargs):
"""release the mouse
:param kwargs: kwargs for :class:`PointerEvent <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.PointerEvent>`
event = PointerEvent(type_=EventType.RELEASE, **kwargs)
await self.dispatch(event)
[docs] async def click(self, x: float, y: float, timeout: float = None, **kwargs):
:param x: the x coordinate
:param y: the y coordinate
:param timeout: the time to sleep between mouseUp & mouseDown
:param kwargs: kwargs for :class:`PointerEvent <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.PointerEvent>`
if not timeout:
timeout = make_rand_click_timeout()
await self.down(click_count=1, x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
await asyncio.sleep(timeout)
await self.up(click_count=1, x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
[docs] async def double_click(self, x: float, y: float, timeout: float = None, **kwargs):
:param x: the x coordinate
:param y: the y coordinate
:param timeout: the time to sleep between mouseUp & mouseDown
:param kwargs: kwargs for :class:`PointerEvent <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.PointerEvent>`
if not timeout:
timeout = make_rand_click_timeout()
await, x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
await asyncio.sleep(timeout)
await self.down(click_count=2, x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
await asyncio.sleep(timeout)
await self.up(click_count=2, x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
[docs] async def move_to(self, x: int, y: int, **kwargs):
"""dispatch a move event
:param x: the x coordinate
:param y: the y coordinate
:param kwargs: kwargs for :class:`PointerEvent <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.PointerEvent>`
event = PointerEvent(type_=EventType.MOVE, x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
await self.dispatch(event)
[docs] async def move_path(self, total_time: float, pos_from_time_callback: typing.Callable[[float],typing.Union[typing.Tuple[int], typing.Awaitable[typing.Tuple[int]]]], freq_assumption: float = 60,
move a path
:param total_time: total time the pointer should take to move the path
:param freq_assumption: assumption on a mousemove event frequency, required for accuracy
:param kwargs: kwargs for :class:`PointerEvent <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.PointerEvent>`
:param pos_from_time_callback: a function which returns coordinates for a specific time
x = None
y = None
i = -1
start = None
while True:
if i == -1:
_time = 0
_time = time.perf_counter() - start
if _time > total_time or _time < 0:
return x, y
# get coordinates at time
res = pos_from_time_callback(_time)
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(pos_from_time_callback):
await res
x, y = res
await self.move_to(x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
if i == -1:
start = time.perf_counter() - (1 / freq_assumption) # => approximately 0.017, assuming 60 Hz
i += 1
[docs]class Pointer:
def __init__(self, target, pointer_type: str = PointerType.MOUSE):
self.pointer_type = pointer_type
self._target = target
self.base = BasePointer(driver=target, pointer_type=pointer_type)
self.location = [100, 0]
self._loop = None
[docs] async def down(self, **kwargs):
"""press the mouse
:param kwargs: kwargs for :class:`PointerEvent <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.PointerEvent>`
await self.base.down(**kwargs)
[docs] async def up(self, **kwargs):
"""release the mouse
:param kwargs: kwargs for :class:`PointerEvent <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.PointerEvent>`
await self.base.up(**kwargs)
[docs] async def click(self, x_or_elem: typing.Union[float, None]=None, y: float or None = None, move_to: bool = True,
move_kwargs: dict or None = None, click_kwargs: dict or None = None):
:param x_or_elem: either the x-coordinate, or a :class:`WebElement <selenium_driverless.input.types.webelement.WebElement>`
:param y: the y-coordinate to click at
:param move_to: whether to move the pointer (recommended)
:param move_kwargs: kwargs for :func:`Pointer.move_to <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.Pointer.move_to>`
:param click_kwargs: kwargs for :func:` <>`
from selenium_driverless.types.webelement import WebElement
if click_kwargs is None:
click_kwargs = dict()
if move_kwargs is None:
move_kwargs = dict()
if isinstance(x_or_elem, WebElement):
x, y = await x_or_elem.mid_location()
x = x_or_elem
if x is None:
x, y = self.location
if move_to:
await self.move_to(x, y=y, **move_kwargs)
await, y, **click_kwargs)
[docs] async def move_to(self, x_or_elem: int=None, y: int or None = None, total_time: float = 0.5, accel: float = 2,
mid_time: float = None, smooth_soft=20, **kwargs):
"""move pinter to location
:param x_or_elem: either the x-coordinate, or a :class:`WebElement <selenium_driverless.input.types.webelement.WebElement>`
:param y: the y-coordinate to move to
:param total_time: the total time, the pointer should take to move to the location
:param accel: the acceleration & deceleration, the pointerMove should perform
:param mid_time: the normalized position, where half of the time should be due (0-1)
:param smooth_soft: how "curvy" the line should be
:param kwargs: kwargs for :func:`BasePointer.move_path <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.BasePointer.move_path>`
from selenium_driverless.types.webelement import WebElement
if not self.location == [x_or_elem, y]:
if isinstance(x_or_elem, WebElement):
x, y = await x_or_elem.mid_location()
x = x_or_elem
if x is None:
x, y = self.location
if not mid_time:
mid_time = bias_0_dot_5(0.5, max_offset=0.3)
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
def pos_from_time_callback(time: float):
return pos_at_time(path, total_time, time, accel, mid_time=mid_time)
points = np.array([self.location, [x, y]])
path = gen_combined_path(points, n_points_soft=5, smooth_soft=smooth_soft, n_points_distort=100,
await self.base.move_path(total_time=total_time, pos_from_time_callback=pos_from_time_callback, **kwargs)
self.location = [x, y]