Source code for selenium_driverless.scripts.network_interceptor

import asyncio
import typing
import uuid
from enum import Enum

import aiohttp
from selenium_driverless.webdriver import Chrome
from import Target
from selenium_driverless.types.base_target import BaseTarget
import websockets

from cdp_socket.exceptions import CDPError

import base64

PatternsType = typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]]

# TODO: support OrderedDict instead of List[Fetch.HeaderEntry]

[docs] class RequestDoneException(Exception): """raised when the request or auth challenge has already been resumed""" def __init__(self, data: typing.Union["InterceptedRequest", "InterceptedAuth"]): data._done = True super().__init__(f'request or auth challenge with url:"{data.request.url}" has already been resumed') self._data = data @property def request(self) -> typing.Union["InterceptedRequest", "InterceptedAuth"]: """the corresponding request or auth challenge""" return self._data
[docs] class AuthAlreadyHandledException(Exception): """raised when an auth challenge has already been handled by an external application (for example chrome-extension)""" def __init__(self, data: "InterceptedAuth"): data._done = True super().__init__( f'Auth for url"{data.request.url}" has already been handled by an external application (for example chrome-extension)') self._data = data @property def request(self) -> "InterceptedAuth": """the corresponding auth challenge""" return self._data
[docs] class RequestStages: Request = 0 """stage at request""" Response = 1 """stage at response"""
[docs] class RequestPattern(Enum): AnyRequest = {"urlPattern": "*", "requestStage": "Request"} """pattern for any request""" AnyResponse = {"urlPattern": "*", "requestStage": "Response"} """pattern for any response"""
[docs] @staticmethod def new(url_pattern: str = None, resource_type: typing.Literal[ "Document", "Stylesheet", "Image", "Media", "Font", "Script", "TextTrack", "XHR", "Fetch", "Prefetch", "EventSource", "WebSocket", "Manifest", "SignedExchange", "Ping", "CSPViolationReport", "Preflight", "Other"] = None, request_stage: typing.Literal["Request", "Response"] = None): """ create a new request pattern """ pattern = {} if url_pattern: pattern["urlPattern"] = url_pattern if resource_type: pattern["resourceType"] = resource_type if request_stage: pattern["requestStage"] = request_stage
[docs] class Request: def __init__(self, params, target): self._params = params self._target = target @property def target(self) -> typing.Union[Target, BaseTarget]: """the target""" return self._target @property def params(self) -> dict: """the parameters from `Network.Request <>`_ as a dict""" return self._params @property def url(self) -> str: """Request URL (without fragment).""" return self._params["url"] @property def url_fragment(self) -> typing.Union[str, None]: """Fragment of the requested URL starting with hash, if present.""" return self._params.get("urlFragment") @property def method(self) -> typing.Union[str, None]: """HTTP request method.""" return self._params.get("method") @property def headers(self) -> typing.Dict[str, str]: """Request / response headers as keys / values of JSON object.""" return self._params["headers"] @property def post_data(self) -> typing.Union[str, None]: """HTTP POST request data""" return self._params.get("postData") @property def has_post_data(self) -> typing.Union[bool, None]: """True when the request has POST data. Note that postData might still be omitted when this flag is true when the data is too long.""" return self._params.get("hasPostData") @property def post_data_entries(self) -> typing.Union[typing.List[str], None]: """an array of `Network.PostDataEntry <>`_""" return self._params.get("postDataEntries") @property def mixed_content_type(self) -> typing.Literal["blockable", "optionally-blockable", "none", None]: """The mixed content type of the request.""" return self._params.get("mixedContentType") @property def initial_priority(self) -> typing.Literal["VeryLow", "Low", "Medium", "High", "VeryHigh", None]: """Priority of the resource request at the time request is sent.""" return self._params["initialPriority"] @property def referrer_policy(self) -> typing.Literal["unsafe-url", "no-referrer-when-downgrade", "no-referrer", "origin", "origin-when-cross-origin", "same-origin", "strict-origin", "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"]: """ The referrer policy of the request, as defined in ` <>`_ """ return self._params["referrerPolicy"] @property def is_link_preload(self) -> typing.Union[bool, None]: """Whether is loaded via link preload.""" return self._params.get("isLinkPreload") @property def trust_token_params(self) -> typing.Union[dict, None]: """see `Network.TrustTokenParams <>`_ for reference""" return self._params.get("trustTokenParams") @property def is_same_site(self) -> typing.Union[bool, None]: """ True if this resource request is considered to be the 'same site' as the request corresponding to the main frame. """ return self._params.get("isSameSite") def __repr__(self): return self.params.__repr__()
[docs] class AuthChallenge: def __init__(self, params, target): self._params = params self._target = target @property def target(self) -> typing.Union[Target, BaseTarget]: """the target""" return self._target @property def params(self) -> dict: """the parameters from `Fetch.AuthChallenge <>`_ as a dict""" return self._params @property def source(self) -> typing.Literal["Server", "Proxy"]: """Source of the authentication challenge""" return self.params.get("source") @property def origin(self) -> str: """Origin of the challenger.""" return self.params["origin"] @property def scheme(self) -> str: """The authentication scheme used, such as basic or digest""" return self.params["scheme"] @property def realm(self) -> str: """corresponding value for ``Please enter your username and password for <realm name>:``""" return self.params["realm"] def __repr__(self): return self.params.__repr__()
[docs] class InterceptedRequest: def __init__(self, params, target): self._params = params self._target = target self._done = False self._stage = None self._is_redirect = None self._body = False self._request = None self.timeout = 10 @property def target(self) -> typing.Union[Target, BaseTarget]: """the target""" return self._target @property def stage(self) -> typing.Literal[0, 1]: """ one of :func:`RequestStages.Request <selenium_driverless.scripts.network_interceptor.RequestStages.Request>`, :func:`RequestStages.Response <selenium_driverless.scripts.network_interceptor.RequestStages.Response>` 0 => Request 1 => Response """ if self._stage is None: if self.response_status_code or self.response_error_reason: self._stage = RequestStages.Response else: self._stage = RequestStages.Request return self._stage @property def is_redirect(self): """ if the response is a redirect (response_status_code in [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]) """ if self._is_redirect is None: if self.response_status_code and (self.response_status_code in [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]): self._is_redirect = True else: self._is_redirect = False return self._is_redirect @property def params(self) -> dict: """the parameters from `Fetch.requestPaused <>`_ as a dict""" return self._params @property def frame_id(self) -> str: """the ``Page.FrameId`` of the frame that initiated the request""" return self._params["frameId"] @property def request(self) -> Request: """the corresponding request""" if self._request is None: self._request = Request(self._params["request"], return self._request @property def id(self) -> str: """``Fetch.RequestId``""" return self._params["requestId"] @property def resource_type(self) -> str: """ ``Network.resourceType`` """ return self._params["resourceType"] @property def network_id(self) -> typing.Union[str, None]: """ the ``Network.RequestId`` if a corresponding ``Network.requestWillBeSent`` event had been fired """ return self._params.get("networkId") @property def response_error_reason(self) -> typing.Union[str, None]: """ response error-reason at response stage """ return self._params.get("responseErrorReason") @property def response_headers(self) -> typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]], None]: """ the headers at response stage """ return self._params.get("responseHeaders") @property def response_status_code(self) -> typing.Union[int, None]: """ the status code at response stage """ return self._params.get("responseStatusCode") @property def response_status_text(self) -> typing.Union[str, None]: """ the status text at response stage """ return self._params.get("responseStatusText") @property def redirected_id(self) -> typing.Union[str, None]: """ ``Fetch.requestId`` reference id to the request that caused the redirect """ return self._params.get("redirectedRequestId") @property async def body(self) -> typing.Union[bytes, None]: """**async** get the response body for a request .. note:: this uses network and might take some time """ if self._body is False: body = await"Fetch.getResponseBody", {"requestId":}, timeout=self.timeout) body = body.get('body') if body: self._body = base64.b64decode(body) else: self._body = None return self._body
[docs] async def bypass_browser(self, auth: aiohttp.BasicAuth = None, allow_redirects=True, compress: bool = None, proxy: str = None, proxy_auth: aiohttp.BasicAuth = None, timeout: float = None): """ bypass browser by making the request externally .. warning:: this method does not change the TLS fingerprint accordingly and is technically detectable """ if self._done: raise RequestDoneException(self) else: async with aiohttp.request(method=self.request.method, url=self.request.url, data=self.request.post_data, headers=self.request.headers, auth=auth, allow_redirects=allow_redirects, compress=compress, proxy=proxy, proxy_auth=proxy_auth, timeout=timeout) as resp: body = await response_headers = [] for name, value in resp.headers.items(): response_headers.append({"name": name, "value": value}) await self.fulfill(response_code=resp.status, body=body, response_headers=response_headers, response_phrase=None)
[docs] async def continue_request(self, headers: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None, method: str = None, post_data: typing.Union[str, bytes] = None, url: str = None, intercept_response: bool = None): """ continue the request. You might use :func:`InterceptedRequest.fulfill <selenium_driverless.scripts.network_interceptor.InterceptedRequest.fulfill>` to provide a response body :param headers: array of {"name":name, "value":value}, mind header order :param method: the method of the request :param post_data: the binary post data to provide :param url: the url to continue the request with, change not observable by the page :param intercept_response: overrides response interception behavior for this request """ if self._done: raise RequestDoneException(self) params = {"requestId":} if isinstance(post_data, str): post_data = post_data.encode("utf-8") if post_data: post_data = base64.b64encode(post_data).decode("ascii") if headers: params["headers"] = headers if method: params["method"] = method if post_data: params["postData"] = post_data if url: params["url"] = url if not (intercept_response is None): params["interceptResponse"] = intercept_response try: await"Fetch.continueRequest", params) except CDPError as e: if not (e.code == -32602 and e.message == 'Invalid InterceptionId.'): raise e self._done = True
[docs] async def continue_response(self, response_headers: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None, binary_response_headers: bytes = None, response_code: int = None, response_phrase: str = None): """ continue the response. You might use :func:`By <selenium_driverless.scripts.network_interceptor.InterceptedRequest.fulfill>` to provide a response body :param response_code: response code :param binary_response_headers: headers as a \0-separated series of name: value pairs, treated as base64 encode if a string is passed, :param response_headers: array of {"name":name, "value":value}, mind header order :param response_phrase: response phrase (``"OK"`` for ``response_code=200``) """ if self._done: raise RequestDoneException(self) if binary_response_headers: binary_response_headers = base64.b64encode(binary_response_headers).decode("ascii") params = {"requestId":} if response_headers: params["responseHeaders"] = response_headers if binary_response_headers: params["binaryResponseHeaders"] = binary_response_headers if response_code: params["responseCode"] = response_code if response_phrase: params["responsePhrase"] = response_phrase try: await"Fetch.continueResponse", params) except CDPError as e: if not (e.code == -32602 and e.message == 'Invalid InterceptionId.'): # request cancelled due to reload for example raise e self._done = True
[docs] async def resume(self): """ continue the request or response doesn't raise id the request is canceled or already done """ if not self._done: try: await self.continue_request() except websockets.ConnectionClosedError: pass
[docs] async def fail_request(self, error_reason: typing.Literal[ "Failed", "Aborted", "TimedOut", "AccessDenied", "ConnectionClosed", "ConnectionReset", "ConnectionRefused", "ConnectionAborted", "ConnectionFailed", "NameNotResolved", "InternetDisconnected", "AddressUnreachable", "BlockedByClient", "BlockedByResponse"]): """ fail the request or response :param error_reason: the specified reason for the request failing """ if self._done: raise RequestDoneException(self) params = {"requestId":} if error_reason: params["errorReason"] = error_reason try: await"Fetch.failRequest", params) except CDPError as e: if not (e.code == -32602 and e.message == 'Invalid InterceptionId.'): raise e self._done = True
[docs] async def fulfill(self, response_code: int, binary_response_headers: str = None, body: typing.Union[str, bytes] = None, response_headers: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None, response_phrase: str = None): """ fulfill the request or response :param response_code: response code :param body: the response body :param binary_response_headers: headers as a \0-separated series of name: value pairs, treated as base64 encode if a string is passed, :param response_headers: array of {"name":name, "value":value}, mind header order :param response_phrase: response phrase (``"OK"`` for ``response_code=200``) """ if self._done: raise RequestDoneException(self) params = {"requestId":} if response_headers is None: if self.response_headers: response_headers = self.response_headers if response_code is None: if self.response_status_code: response_code = self.response_status_code if response_phrase is None: if self.response_status_text != "": # can't be empty response_phrase = self.response_status_text if isinstance(body, str): body = body.encode("utf-8") if body: body = base64.b64encode(body).decode("ascii") if isinstance(binary_response_headers, bytes): binary_response_headers = base64.b64encode(binary_response_headers).decode("ascii") if response_code: params["responseCode"] = response_code if binary_response_headers: params["binaryResponseHeaders"] = binary_response_headers if body: params["body"] = body if response_headers: params["responseHeaders"] = response_headers if response_phrase: params["responsePhrase"] = response_phrase try: await"Fetch.fulfillRequest", params) except CDPError as e: if not (e.code == -32602 and e.message == 'Invalid InterceptionId.'): raise e self._done = True
def __repr__(self): return self.params.__repr__()
[docs] class InterceptedAuth: def __init__(self, params, target): self._params = params self._target = target self._done = False self._stage = None self._is_redirect = None self._body = False self._request = None self._auth_challenge = None self.timeout = 10 @property def request(self) -> Request: """the Request, for which auth is required""" if self._request is None: self._request = Request(self._params["request"], return self._request @property def id(self) -> str: """the ``Fetch.RequestId``""" return self.params["requestId"] @property def frame_id(self) -> str: """the ``Page.FrameId`` from which the request has been initiated""" return self._params["frameId"] @property def params(self) -> dict: """the parameters from `Fetch.authRequired <>`_ as a dict""" return self._params @property def target(self) -> typing.Union[Target, BaseTarget]: """the target""" return self._target @property def resource_type(self) -> str: """ the `Network.ResourceType` """ return self._params["resourceType"] @property def auth_challenge(self) -> AuthChallenge: """ the AuthChallenge """ if self._auth_challenge is None: self._auth_challenge = AuthChallenge(self._params["request"], return self._auth_challenge
[docs] async def continue_auth(self, response: typing.Literal["Default", "CancelAuth", "ProvideCredentials"] = "Default", username: str = None, password: str = None): """ continue the auth :param response: "Default" by default, automatically set to "ProvideCredentials", if username or password specified :param username: username for the auth :param password: password for the auth """ if self._done: raise RequestDoneException(self) if username or password: response = "ProvideCredentials" challenge_response = {"response": response} if username: challenge_response["username"] = username if password: challenge_response["password"] = password try: await"Fetch.continueWithAuth", {"requestId":, "authChallengeResponse": challenge_response}, timeout=self.timeout) self._done = True except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32000 and e.message == 'Invalid state for continueInterceptedRequest': raise AuthAlreadyHandledException(self) else: raise e
[docs] async def resume(self): """ continue the auth doesn't raise id the request is canceled or already done """ if not self._done: try: await self.continue_auth() except (AuthAlreadyHandledException, websockets.ConnectionClosedError): pass
[docs] async def cancel(self): """ cancel the auth """ await self.continue_auth(response="CancelAuth")
def __repr__(self): return self.params.__repr__()
RequestCallbackType = typing.Callable[[InterceptedRequest], typing.Awaitable[None]] AuthCallbackType = typing.Callable[[InterceptedRequest], typing.Awaitable[None]]
[docs] class NetworkInterceptor: on_request: RequestCallbackType on_response: RequestCallbackType on_auth: AuthCallbackType
[docs] def __init__(self, target: typing.Union[Chrome, Target], on_request: RequestCallbackType = None, on_response: RequestCallbackType = None, on_auth: AuthCallbackType = None, patterns: typing.Union[PatternsType, typing.List[RequestPattern]] = None, intercept_auth: bool = False, bypass_service_workers: bool = False): """ :param target: the Target or Driver, on which requests get intercepted :param on_request: onRequest callback :param on_response: onResponse callback :param on_auth: onAuth callback :param patterns: the request patterns to intercept :param intercept_auth: whether to intercept authentification :param bypass_service_workers: whether to bypass service workers for a single Target """ if patterns is None: patterns = [RequestPattern.AnyRequest, RequestPattern.AnyResponse] _patters = [] for pattern in patterns: if isinstance(pattern, RequestPattern): pattern = pattern.value _patters.append(pattern) self._iter_callbacks: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[asyncio.Future]] = {} if isinstance(target, Chrome): driver = target target = driver.base_target else: # noinspection PyProtectedMember driver = target._driver # noinspection PyUnusedLocal async def blank_callback(data): pass if on_request is None: on_request = blank_callback if on_response is None: on_response = blank_callback if on_auth is None: on_auth = blank_callback self._driver = driver self._started = False self._bypass_service_workers = bypass_service_workers self.on_request = on_request self.on_response = on_response self.on_auth = on_auth self._target = target self._patterns = _patters self._intercept_auth = intercept_auth
async def __aenter__(self): if not self._started: await"Fetch.enable", cmd_args={"patterns": self._patterns, "handleAuthRequests": self._intercept_auth}) await"Fetch.authRequired", self._paused_handler) if self._bypass_service_workers: await"Network.setBypassServiceWorker", {"bypass": self._bypass_service_workers}) await"Fetch.requestPaused", self._paused_handler) self._started = True return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self._bypass_service_workers: try: await"Fetch.disable") except CDPError as e: if not (e.code == -32000 and e.message == 'Fetch domain is not enabled'): raise e try: await"Fetch.requestPaused", self._paused_handler) except ValueError: pass # ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list try: await"Fetch.authRequired", self._paused_handler) except ValueError: pass async def _paused_handler(self, params: dict): if "authChallenge" in params.keys(): request = InterceptedAuth(params, else: request = InterceptedRequest(params, coro = [] for _id, val in list(self._iter_callbacks.items()): fut, done = val try: fut.set_result(request) except asyncio.InvalidStateError: pass else: coro.append(done) finally: del self._iter_callbacks[_id] if coro: await asyncio.gather(*coro) if isinstance(request, InterceptedRequest): if request.stage == RequestStages.Response: try: await self.on_response(request) except Exception as e: await request.resume() raise e else: try: await self.on_request(request) except Exception as e: await request.resume() raise e else: await self.on_auth(request) await request.resume()
[docs] def __aiter__(self) -> typing.AsyncIterator[typing.Union[InterceptedRequest, InterceptedAuth]]: """ iterate using ``async for`` over requests **Example** .. code-block:: Python from selenium_driverless.scripts.network_interceptor import InterceptedRequest, RequestStages # ... some code async for data in interceptor: url = data.request.url if isinstance(data, InterceptedRequest): data.stage == RequestStages.Request: print("Request:"+url) else: print("Response:"+url) else: print("Authentification:"+url) .. warning:: iterations should virtually take zero time, you might use ``asyncio.ensure_future`` where possible """ async def _iter(): while True: fut, done = asyncio.Future(), asyncio.Future() self._iter_callbacks[uuid.uuid4().hex] = [fut, done] res = await fut yield res try: done.set_result(1) except asyncio.InvalidStateError: pass return _iter()
@property def patterns(self) -> PatternsType: """patters to intercept""" return self._patterns @property def target(self) -> typing.Union[Target, BaseTarget]: """the Target, on which requests get intercepted""" return self._target