Source code for

# io
import asyncio
import os.path
import time
import typing
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
import warnings
from base64 import b64decode
import aiofiles
from typing import List
import pathlib
import random

import websockets
from cdp_socket.exceptions import CDPError
from cdp_socket.socket import SingleCDPSocket

# pointer
from selenium_driverless.sync.pointer import Pointer as SyncPointer
from selenium_driverless.input.pointer import Pointer
# other
from selenium_driverless.scripts.driver_utils import get_targets, get_target, get_cookies, get_cookie, delete_cookie, \
    delete_all_cookies, add_cookie
from selenium_driverless.utils.utils import safe_wrap_fut
from selenium_driverless.types.deserialize import StaleJSRemoteObjReference
from selenium_driverless.types.webelement import StaleElementReferenceException, NoSuchElementException
from selenium_driverless.sync.alert import Alert as SyncAlert
# Alert
from selenium_driverless.types.alert import Alert
from selenium_driverless.types.webelement import WebElement
from selenium_driverless.sync.webelement import WebElement as SyncWebElement

    'a': ('KeyA', 65), 'b': ('KeyB', 66), 'c': ('KeyC', 67), 'd': ('KeyD', 68), 'e': ('KeyE', 69),
    'f': ('KeyF', 70), 'g': ('KeyG', 71), 'h': ('KeyH', 72), 'i': ('KeyI', 73), 'j': ('KeyJ', 74),
    'k': ('KeyK', 75), 'l': ('KeyL', 76), 'm': ('KeyM', 77), 'n': ('KeyN', 78), 'o': ('KeyO', 79),
    'p': ('KeyP', 80), 'q': ('KeyQ', 81), 'r': ('KeyR', 82), 's': ('KeyS', 83), 't': ('KeyT', 84),
    'u': ('KeyU', 85), 'v': ('KeyV', 86), 'w': ('KeyW', 87), 'x': ('KeyX', 88), 'y': ('KeyY', 89),
    'z': ('KeyZ', 90), 'A': ('KeyA', 65), 'B': ('KeyB', 66), 'C': ('KeyC', 67), 'D': ('KeyD', 68),
    'E': ('KeyE', 69), 'F': ('KeyF', 70), 'G': ('KeyG', 71), 'H': ('KeyH', 72), 'I': ('KeyI', 73),
    'J': ('KeyJ', 74), 'K': ('KeyK', 75), 'L': ('KeyL', 76), 'M': ('KeyM', 77), 'N': ('KeyN', 78),
    'O': ('KeyO', 79), 'P': ('KeyP', 80), 'Q': ('KeyQ', 81), 'R': ('KeyR', 82), 'S': ('KeyS', 83),
    'T': ('KeyT', 84), 'U': ('KeyU', 85), 'V': ('KeyV', 86), 'W': ('KeyW', 87), 'X': ('KeyX', 88),
    'Y': ('KeyY', 89), 'Z': ('KeyZ', 90), '0': ('Digit0', 48), '1': ('Digit1', 49), '2': ('Digit2', 50),
    '3': ('Digit3', 51), '4': ('Digit4', 52), '5': ('Digit5', 53), '6': ('Digit6', 54), '7': ('Digit7', 55),
    '8': ('Digit8', 56), '9': ('Digit9', 57), '!': ('Digit1', 49), '"': ('Quote', 222), '#': ('Digit3', 51),
    '$': ('Digit4', 52), '%': ('Digit5', 53), '&': ('Digit7', 55), "'": ('Quote', 222), '(': ('Digit9', 57),
    ')': ('Digit0', 48), '*': ('Digit8', 56), '+': ('Equal', 187), ',': ('Comma', 188), '-': ('Minus', 189),
    '.': ('Period', 190), '/': ('Slash', 191), ':': ('Semicolon', 186), ';': ('Semicolon', 186),
    '<': ('Comma', 188),
    '=': ('Equal', 187), '>': ('Period', 190), '?': ('Slash', 191), '@': ('Digit2', 50),
    '[': ('BracketLeft', 219),
    '\\': ('Backslash', 220), ']': ('BracketRight', 221), '^': ('Digit6', 54), '_': ('Minus', 189),
    '`': ('Backquote', 192),
    '{': ('BracketLeft', 219), '|': ('Backslash', 220), '}': ('BracketRight', 221), '~': ('Backquote', 192),
    ' ': ('Space', 32)

SHIFT_KEY_NEEDED = '~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?'

class NoSuchIframe(Exception):
    reference: typing.Union[WebElement, int, str]

    def __init__(self, reference: typing.Union[WebElement, int, str], message: str):
        self.reference = reference

[docs] class Target: """the Target class Usually a tab, (cors-)iframe, WebWorker etc. """ # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def __init__(self, host: str, target_id: str, driver, context, is_remote: bool = False, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop or None = None, timeout: float = 30, type: str = None, start_socket: bool = False, max_ws_size: int = 2 ** 20) -> None: from selenium_driverless.types.context import Context self._parent_target = None self._context: Context = context self._window_id = None self._pointer = None self._page_enabled = None self._dom_enabled = None self._max_ws_size = max_ws_size self._global_this_ = {} self._document_elem_ = None self._alert = None self._targets: list = [] self._socket = None self._isolated_context_id_ = None self._exec_context_id_ = "" self._targets: typing.Dict[str, Target] = {} self._is_remote = is_remote self._host = host self._id = target_id self._context_id = None self._type = type self._timeout = timeout self._loop = loop self._start_socket = start_socket self._on_closed_ = [] self._driver = driver self._send_key_lock = asyncio.Lock() def __repr__(self): return f'<{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__name__} (target_id="{}", host="{self._host}")>' @property def id(self): return self._id @property async def browser_context_id(self): if not self._context_id: info = await return info.browser_context_id return self._context_id @property def base_target(self): return self._driver.base_target @property def socket(self) -> SingleCDPSocket: """the cdp-socket for the connection""" return self._socket def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Target): return other.socket == self.socket return False def __enter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass async def __aenter__(self): # doesn't do anything (start_socket=False) return self def __await__(self): if self._start_socket: return self._init().__await__() else: # doesn't do anything (start_socket=False) return self.__aenter__().__await__() async def _init(self): if not self._socket: self._socket = await SingleCDPSocket(websock_url=f'ws://{self._host}/devtools/page/{self._id}', timeout=self._timeout, loop=self._loop, max_size=self._max_ws_size) if self._loop: self._pointer = SyncPointer(target=self, loop=self._loop) else: self._pointer = Pointer(target=self) def set_alert(alert): self._alert = alert # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def remove_alert(alert): self._alert = None await self.add_cdp_listener("Page.javascriptDialogOpening", set_alert) await self.add_cdp_listener("Page.javascriptDialogClosed", remove_alert) await self.add_cdp_listener("Page.loadEventFired", self._on_loaded) await self.add_cdp_listener("Page.windowOpen", self._on_loaded) self.socket.on_closed.extend(self._on_closed) return self @property def _on_closed(self): if self.socket: return self.socket.on_closed else: return self._on_closed_ # noinspection PyUnusedLocals,PyUnusedLocal async def _on_loaded(self, *args, **kwargs): self._global_this_ = {} self._document_elem_ = None self._isolated_context_id_ = None self._exec_context_id_ = None async def get_alert(self, timeout: float = 5): if not self._page_enabled: await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.enable", timeout=timeout) if self._loop: alert = SyncAlert(self, loop=self._loop, timeout=timeout) else: alert = await Alert(self, timeout=timeout) return alert
[docs] async def get_targets_for_iframes(self, iframes: typing.List[WebElement]): """ find targets for a list of iframes :param iframes: iframes to find targets for .. warning:: only CORS iframes have its own target, you might use :func:`WebElement.content_document <selenium_driverless.types.webelement.WebElement.content_document>` instead """ if not iframes: raise ValueError(f"Expected WebElements, but got{iframes}") async def target_getter(target_id: str, timeout: float = 2, max_ws_size: int = 2 ** 20): return await get_target(target_id=target_id, host=self._host, loop=self._loop, is_remote=self._is_remote, timeout=timeout, max_ws_size=max_ws_size, driver=self._driver, context=self._context) _targets = await get_targets(cdp_exec=self.execute_cdp_cmd, target_getter=target_getter, _type="iframe", context_id=self._context_id, max_ws_size=self._max_ws_size) targets = {} for targetinfo in list(_targets.values()): # iterate over iframes target = targetinfo.Target base_frame = await target.base_frame # check if iframe element is within iframes to search for iframe in iframes: tag_name = await iframe.tag_name if tag_name.upper() != "IFRAME": raise NoSuchIframe(iframe, "element isn't a iframe") await iframe.obj_id iframe_frame_id = await iframe.__frame_id__ if base_frame["id"] == iframe_frame_id: if await self.type == "iframe": target._parent_target = self else: target._base_target = self targets[] = target return list(targets.values())
[docs] async def get_target_for_iframe(self, iframe: WebElement): """ find a target for an iframe :param iframe: iframe to find target for .. warning:: only CORS iframes have its own target, you might use :func:`WebElement.content_document <selenium_driverless.types.webelement.WebElement.content_document>` instead """ targets = await self.get_targets_for_iframes([iframe]) if not targets: raise NoSuchIframe(iframe, "no target for iframe found") return targets[0]
[docs] async def wait_download(self, timeout: float or None = 30) -> dict: """ wait for a download on the current tab returns something like .. code-block:: python { "frameId": "2D543B5E8B14945B280C537A4882A695", "guid": "c91df4d5-9b45-4962-84df-3749bd3f926d", "url": "", "suggestedFilename": "dummy.pdf", # only if options.downloads_dir specified "guid_file": "D:\\System\\AppData\\PyCharm\\scratches\\downloads\\c91df4d5-9b45-4962-84df-3749bd3f926d" } :param timeout: time in seconds to wait for a download .. warning:: downloads from iframes not supported yet """ # todo: support downloads from iframes async def _wait_download(): base_frame = await self.base_frame _id = base_frame.get("id") _dir = [self._context.downloads_dir][0] async for data in await self.base_target.get_cdp_event_iter("Browser.downloadWillBegin"): base_frame = await self.base_frame curr_id = base_frame.get("id") if data["frameId"] in [_id, curr_id]: if _dir: guid_file = str(pathlib.Path(_dir + "/" + data["guid"])) named_file = str(pathlib.Path(_dir + "/" + "suggestedFilename")) data["guid_file"] = guid_file data["named_file"] = named_file while not (os.path.exists(guid_file) or os.path.exists(named_file)): # wait for file to exist await asyncio.sleep(0.01) return data return await asyncio.wait_for(_wait_download(), timeout=timeout)
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable,PyProtectedMember
[docs] async def get(self, url: str, referrer: str = None, wait_load: bool = True, timeout: float = 30) -> dict: """Loads a web page :param url: the url to load. :param referrer: the referrer to load the page with :param wait_load: whether to wait for the webpage to load :param timeout: the maximum time in seconds for waiting on load returns the same as :func:`Target.wait_download <>` if the url initiates a download """ if url == "about:blank": wait_load = False result = {} if "#" in url: # thanks to current_url_base = (await self.current_url).split("#")[0] if url[0] == "#": # allow to navigate only by fragment ID of the current url url = current_url_base + url wait_load = False elif url.split("#")[0] == current_url_base: wait_load = False if wait_load: if not self._page_enabled: await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.enable") # wait for download or loadEventFired wait = asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.wait([ safe_wrap_fut(self.wait_for_cdp("Page.loadEventFired", timeout=None)), safe_wrap_fut(self.wait_download(timeout=None)) ], timeout=timeout, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) # ensure listening for events has already started # send navigate cmd args = {"url": url, "transitionType": "link"} if referrer: args["referrer"] = referrer get = asyncio.ensure_future(self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.navigate", args, timeout=timeout)) if wait_load: done, pending = await wait pending.pop().cancel() if not done: pending.pop().cancel() try: await get # ensure get is awaited in every case except Exception as e: raise e raise asyncio.TimeoutError(f'page: "{url}" didn\'t load within timeout of {timeout}') result = done.pop().result() # data of the event waited for try: await get # wait for navigate cmd response except Exception as e: raise e await self._on_loaded() return result
async def _global_this(self, context_id: str = None): if not context_id: context_id = self._exec_context_id_ if (not self._global_this_.get(context_id)) or self._loop: from selenium_driverless.types.deserialize import JSRemoteObj from selenium_driverless.types import JSEvalException args = {"expression": "globalThis", "serializationOptions": { "serialization": "idOnly"}} if context_id: args["contextId"] = context_id try: res = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Runtime.evaluate", args) except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32000 and e.message == 'Cannot find context with specified id': raise StaleJSRemoteObjReference("GlobalThis") else: raise e if "exceptionDetails" in res.keys(): raise JSEvalException(res["exceptionDetails"]) obj_id = res["result"]['objectId'] base_frame = await self.base_frame # target can have no frames at all frame_id = None if base_frame: frame_id = base_frame.get("id") # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences obj = JSRemoteObj(obj_id=obj_id, target=self, isolated_exec_id=None, frame_id=frame_id) if not context_id: context_id = obj.__context_id__ self._exec_context_id_ = context_id self._global_this_[context_id] = obj return self._global_this_[context_id] @property async def _isolated_context_id(self) -> int: doc = await self._document_elem return await doc.__isolated_exec_id__ @property def pointer(self) -> Pointer: """the :class:`Pointer <selenium_driverless.input.pointer.Pointer>` for this target""" return self._pointer
[docs] async def send_keys(self, text: str, allow_not_on_mapping: bool = True): """ send text & keys to the target :param text: the text to send to the target :param allow_not_on_mapping: allow keys which aren't int the keyboard mapping """ async with self._send_key_lock: for letter in text: if letter in KEY_MAPPING: key_code, virtual_key_code = KEY_MAPPING[letter] elif allow_not_on_mapping: key_code, virtual_key_code = 0, 0 else: raise ValueError(f"letter:{letter} not in keyboard mapping") # Determine if a shift key is needed shift_pressed = False if letter.isupper() or letter in SHIFT_KEY_NEEDED: shift_pressed = True await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Input.dispatchKeyEvent", { "type": "keyDown", "code": "ShiftLeft", "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 16, "key": "Shift", "modifiers": 8 if shift_pressed else 0 }) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.01, 0.05)) # Simulate human typing speed key_event = { "type": "keyDown", "code": key_code, "windowsVirtualKeyCode": virtual_key_code, "key": letter, "modifiers": 8 if shift_pressed else 0 } # Send keydown event await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Input.dispatchKeyEvent", key_event) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.01, 0.05)) # Simulate key press for the actual character key_event["type"] = "char" key_event["text"] = letter await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Input.dispatchKeyEvent", key_event) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.01, 0.05)) del key_event['text'] # Simulate key release key_event["type"] = "keyUp" await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Input.dispatchKeyEvent", key_event) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.01, 0.05)) # Release the shift key if it was pressed if shift_pressed: await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Input.dispatchKeyEvent", { "type": "keyUp", "code": "ShiftLeft", "windowsVirtualKeyCode": 16, "key": "Shift", "modifiers": 0 }) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.01, 0.05)) # Simulate human typing speed
[docs] async def execute_raw_script(self, script: str, *args, await_res: bool = False, serialization: str = None, max_depth: int = None, timeout: float = 2, execution_context_id: str = None, unique_context: bool = False): """executes a JavaScript on ``GlobalThis`` such as .. code-block:: js function(...arguments){return document} ``this`` and ``obj`` refers to ``globalThis`` (=> window) here :param script: the script as a string :param args: the argument which are passed to the function. Those can be either json-serializable or a RemoteObject such as WebELement :param await_res: whether to await the function or the return value of it :param serialization: can be one of ``deep``, ``json``, ``idOnly`` :param max_depth: The maximum depth objects get serialized. :param timeout: the maximum time to wait for the execution to complete :param execution_context_id: the execution context id to run the JavaScript in. Exclusive with unique_context :param unique_context: whether to use a isolated context to run the Script in. see `Runtime.callFunctionOn <>`_ """ if execution_context_id and unique_context: warnings.warn("got execution_context_id and unique_context=True, defaulting to execution_context_id") if unique_context: execution_context_id = await self._isolated_context_id if timeout is None: timeout = 2 start = time.perf_counter() exc = None while (time.perf_counter() - start) > timeout: try: global_this = await self._global_this(execution_context_id) res = await global_this.__exec_raw__(script, *args, await_res=await_res, serialization=serialization, max_depth=max_depth, timeout=timeout, execution_context_id=execution_context_id) except StaleJSRemoteObjReference as e: exc = e else: return res if exc: raise exc else: raise asyncio.TimeoutError(f"Couldn't execute script due to stale reference within {timeout} s, " f"possibly due to a reload loop")
[docs] async def execute_script(self, script: str, *args, max_depth: int = 2, serialization: str = None, timeout: float = None, execution_context_id: str = None, unique_context: bool = None): """executes JavaScript synchronously on ``GlobalThis`` such as .. code-block:: js return document ``this`` and ``obj`` refers to ``globalThis`` (=> window) here see :func:`Target.execute_raw_script <>` for argument descriptions """ if execution_context_id and unique_context: warnings.warn("got execution_context_id and unique_context=True, defaulting to execution_context_id") if unique_context: execution_context_id = await self._isolated_context_id if timeout is None: timeout = 2 start = time.perf_counter() while (time.perf_counter() - start) < timeout: global_this = await self._global_this(execution_context_id) try: res = await global_this.__exec__(script, *args, serialization=serialization, max_depth=max_depth, timeout=timeout, execution_context_id=execution_context_id) return res except StaleJSRemoteObjReference: pass raise asyncio.TimeoutError("Couldn't execute script, possibly due to a reload loop")
[docs] async def execute_async_script(self, script: str, *args, max_depth: int = 2, serialization: str = None, timeout: float = None, execution_context_id: str = None, unique_context: bool = None): """executes JavaScript asynchronously on ``GlobalThis`` .. code-block:: js resolve = arguments[arguments.length-1] ``this`` and ``obj`` refers to ``globalThis`` (=> window) here see :func:`Target.execute_raw_script <>` for argument descriptions """ if execution_context_id and unique_context: warnings.warn("got execution_context_id and unique_context=True, defaulting to execution_context_id") if unique_context: execution_context_id = await self._isolated_context_id if timeout is None: timeout = 2 start = time.perf_counter() while (time.perf_counter() - start) < timeout: global_this = await self._global_this(execution_context_id) try: res = await global_this.__exec_async__(script, *args, serialization=serialization, max_depth=max_depth, timeout=timeout, execution_context_id=execution_context_id) return res except StaleJSRemoteObjReference: await asyncio.sleep(0) raise asyncio.TimeoutError("Couldn't execute script, possibly due to a reload loop")
[docs] async def eval_async(self, script: str, *args, max_depth: int = 2, serialization: str = None, timeout: float = None, execution_context_id: str = None, unique_context: bool = None): """executes JavaScript asynchronously on ``GlobalThis`` such as .. code-block:: js res = await fetch(""); // mind CORS! json = await res.json() return json ``this`` refers to ``globalThis`` (=> window) see :func:`Target.execute_raw_script <>` for argument descriptions """ if execution_context_id and unique_context: warnings.warn("got execution_context_id and unique_context=True, defaulting to execution_context_id") if unique_context: execution_context_id = await self._isolated_context_id if timeout is None: timeout = 2 start = time.perf_counter() while (time.perf_counter() - start) < timeout: global_this = await self._global_this(execution_context_id) try: res = await global_this.__eval_async__(script, *args, serialization=serialization, max_depth=max_depth, timeout=timeout, execution_context_id=execution_context_id) return res except StaleJSRemoteObjReference: await asyncio.sleep(0) raise asyncio.TimeoutError("Couldn't execute script, possibly due to a reload loop")
@property async def current_url(self) -> str: """Gets the URL of the current page. :Usage: :: target.current_url """ target = await return target.url @property async def page_source(self) -> str: """Gets the HTML of the current page. """ start = time.perf_counter() timeout = 10 while (time.perf_counter() - start) < timeout: try: elem = await self._document_elem return await elem.source except StaleElementReferenceException: await self._on_loaded() raise asyncio.TimeoutError( f"Couldn't get page source within {timeout} seconds, possibly due to a reload loop")
[docs] async def close(self, timeout: float = 2) -> None: """Closes the current window. :Usage: :: target.close() """ try: await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Target.closeTarget",{"targetId"}, timeout=timeout) await self._socket.close() except websockets.ConnectionClosedError: pass except (asyncio.TimeoutError, TimeoutError): pass
[docs] async def focus(self, activate=False): """ emulates Focus of the target :param activate: whether to bring the window to the front """ if activate: await self.activate() try: await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Emulation.setFocusEmulationEnabled", {"enabled": True}) except CDPError as e: if not (e.code == -32601 and e.message == "'Emulation.setFocusEmulationEnabled' wasn't found"): raise e
[docs] async def unfocus(self): """ disables focus emulation for the target """ try: await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Emulation.setFocusEmulationEnabled", {"enabled": False}) except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32601 and e.message == "'Target.activateTarget' wasn't found": return False raise e
[docs] async def activate(self): """ brings the window to the front """ try: await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Target.activateTarget", {"targetId":}) except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32601 and e.message == "'Target.activateTarget' wasn't found": return False raise e
@property async def info(self): res = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Target.getTargetInfo", {"targetId":}) return await TargetInfo(res["targetInfo"], self) @property async def frame_tree(self): try: res = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.getFrameTree") return res["frameTree"] except CDPError as e: if not (e.code == -32601 and e.message == "'Page.getFrameTree' wasn't found"): raise e @property async def base_frame(self): res = await self.frame_tree if res: return res["frame"] @property async def type(self): if not self._type: info = await self._type = info.type return self._type @property async def title(self) -> str: # noinspection GrazieInspection """Returns the title of the target""" target = await return target.title @property async def url(self) -> str: info = await return info.url @property async def window_id(self): if not self._window_id: result = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Browser.getWindowForTarget", {"targetId":}) self._window_id = result["windowId"] return self._window_id
[docs] async def print_page(self) -> str: """Takes PDF of the current page. The target makes the best effort to return a PDF based on the provided parameters. returns Base64-encoded pdf data as a string """ page = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.printToPDF") return page["data"]
[docs] async def get_history(self) -> TypedDict('NavigationHistory', {'currentIndex': int, 'entries': list}): """returns the history data see `Page.getNavigationHistory <>`__ """ return await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.getNavigationHistory")
# Navigation
[docs] async def back(self) -> None: """Goes one step backward in the browser history. """ history = await self.get_history() entry = history["entries"][history['currentIndex'] - 1]["id"] await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.navigateToHistoryEntry", {"entryId": entry}) await self._on_loaded()
[docs] async def forward(self) -> None: """Goes one step forward in the browser history. """ history = await self.get_history() entry = history["entries"][history["currentIndex"] + 1]["id"] await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.navigateToHistoryEntry", {"entryId": entry}) await self._on_loaded()
[docs] async def refresh(self) -> None: """Refreshes the page. """ await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.reload") await self._on_loaded()
# Options
[docs] async def get_cookies(self) -> List[dict]: """Returns a set of dictionaries, corresponding to cookies visible in the current context. """ return await get_cookies(self)
[docs] async def delete_all_cookies(self) -> None: """Delete all cookies in the scope of the context. """ return await delete_all_cookies(self)
# noinspection GrazieInspection @property async def _document_elem(self) -> WebElement: if not self._document_elem_: res = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.getDocument", {"pierce": True}) node_id = res["root"]["nodeId"] frame = await self.base_frame frame_id = frame["id"] if self._loop: self._document_elem_ = await SyncWebElement(target=self, node_id=node_id, loop=self._loop, isolated_exec_id=None, frame_id=frame_id) else: self._document_elem_ = await WebElement(target=self, node_id=node_id, loop=self._loop, isolated_exec_id=None, frame_id=frame_id) return self._document_elem_ # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] async def find_element(self, by: str, value: str, timeout: int or None = None) -> WebElement: """find an element in the current target :param by: one of the locators at :func:`By <>` :param value: the actual query to find the element by :param timeout: how long to wait for the element to exist """ start = time.perf_counter() elem = None while not elem: parent = await self._document_elem try: elem = await parent.find_element(by=by, value=value, timeout=None) except (StaleElementReferenceException, NoSuchElementException, StaleJSRemoteObjReference): await self._on_loaded() if (not timeout) or (time.perf_counter() - start) > timeout: break await asyncio.sleep(0.01) if not elem: raise NoSuchElementException() return elem
[docs] async def find_elements(self, by: str, value: str) -> typing.List[WebElement]: """find multiple elements in the current target :param by: one of the locators at :func:`By <>` :param value: the actual query to find the elements by """ parent = await self._document_elem return await parent.find_elements(by=by, value=value)
[docs] async def set_source(self, source: str, timeout: float = 15): """ sets the OuterHtml of the current target (if it has DOM//HTML) :param source: the html :param timeout: the timeout to try setting the source (might fail if the page is in a reload-loop """ start = time.perf_counter() while (time.perf_counter() - start) < timeout: try: document = await self._document_elem await document.set_source(source) return except StaleElementReferenceException: await self._on_loaded() await asyncio.sleep(0) raise asyncio.TimeoutError("Couldn't get document element to not be stale")
[docs] async def search_elements(self, query: str) -> typing.List[WebElement]: """ query:str | Plain text or query selector or XPath search query. """ # ensure DOM is enabled if not self._dom_enabled: await self.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.enable") # ensure DOM.getDocument got called await self._document_elem elems = [] res = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.performSearch", {"includeUserAgentShadowDOM": True, "query": query}) search_id = res["searchId"] elem_count = res["resultCount"] if elem_count <= 0: return [] res = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.getSearchResults", {"searchId": search_id, "fromIndex": 0, "toIndex": elem_count}) for node_id in res["nodeIds"]: if self._loop: elem = await SyncWebElement(target=self, node_id=node_id, loop=self._loop, isolated_exec_id=None, frame_id=None) else: elem = await WebElement(target=self, node_id=node_id, loop=self._loop, isolated_exec_id=None, frame_id=None) elems.append(elem) return elems
[docs] async def get_screenshot_as_file(self, filename:str) -> None: """Saves a screenshot of the current window to a PNG image file. :param filename: The full path. This should end with a `.png` extension. """ if not str(filename).lower().endswith(".png"): warnings.warn( "name used for saved screenshot does not match file " "type. It should end with a `.png` extension", UserWarning, ) png = await self.get_screenshot_as_png() async with, "wb") as f: await f.write(png)
[docs] async def save_screenshot(self, filename:str) -> None: """alias to :func: `driver.get_screenshot_as_file <selenium_driverless.webdriver.Chrome.get_screenshot_as_file>`""" return await self.get_screenshot_as_file(filename)
[docs] async def get_screenshot_as_png(self) -> bytes: """Gets the screenshot of the current window as a binary data. """ res = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.captureScreenshot", {"format": "png"}, timeout=30) return b64decode(res["data"].encode("ascii"))
[docs] async def snapshot(self) -> str: """gets the current snapshot as mhtml""" res = await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.captureSnapshot") return res["data"]
[docs] async def save_snapshot(self, filename:str): """Saves a snapshot of the current window to a MHTML file. :param filename: The full path you wish to save your snapshot to. This should end with a ``.mhtml`` extension. .. code-block:: Python await driver.get_snapshot('snapshot.mhtml') """ if len(filename) <= 6 or filename[-6:] != ".mhtml": warnings.warn( "name used for saved snapshot does not match file " "type. It should end with a `.mhtml` extension", UserWarning, ) mhtml = await self.snapshot() async with, "w") as f: await f.write(mhtml)
[docs] async def get_network_conditions(self): """Gets Chromium network emulation settings. :Returns: A dict. For example: {'latency': 4, 'download_throughput': 2, 'upload_throughput': 2, 'offline': False} """ raise NotImplementedError("not started with chromedriver")
[docs] async def set_network_conditions(self, offline: bool, latency: int, download_throughput: int, upload_throughput: int, connection_type: typing.Literal[ "none", "cellular2g", "cellular3g", "cellular4g", "bluetooth", "ethernet", "wifi", "wimax", "other"]) -> None: """Sets Chromium network emulation settings. :Args: - network_conditions: A dict with conditions specification. :Usage: :: target.set_network_conditions( offline=False, latency=5, # additional latency (ms) download_throughput=500 * 1024, # maximal throughput upload_throughput=500 * 1024, # maximal throughput connection_type="wifi") Note: 'throughput' can be used to set both (for download and upload). """ args = {"offline": offline, "latency": latency, "downloadThroughput": download_throughput, "uploadThroughput": upload_throughput} conn_types = ["none", "cellular2g", "cellular3g", "cellular4g", "bluetooth", "ethernet", "wifi", "wimax", "other"] if connection_type: if connection_type not in conn_types: raise ValueError(f"expected {conn_types} for connection_type, but got {connection_type}") args["connectionType"] = connection_type await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Network.emulateNetworkConditions", args)
[docs] async def delete_network_conditions(self) -> None: """Resets Chromium network emulation settings.""" raise NotImplementedError("not started with chromedriver")
[docs] async def wait_for_cdp(self, event: str, timeout: float or None = None) -> dict: """ wait for a CDP event and return the data :param event: the name of the event :param timeout: timeout to wait in seconds. """ if not self.socket: await self._init() return await self.socket.wait_for(event, timeout=timeout)
[docs] async def add_cdp_listener(self, event: str, callback: typing.Callable[[dict], any]): """add a listener on a CDP event (current target) :param event: the name of the event :param callback: the callback on the event .. note:: callback has to accept one parameter (event data as json) """ if not self.socket: await self._init() self.socket.add_listener(method=event, callback=callback)
[docs] async def remove_cdp_listener(self, event: str, callback: typing.Callable[[dict], any]): """ removes the CDP listener :param event: the name of the event :param callback: the callback to remove """ if not self.socket: await self._init() self.socket.remove_listener(method=event, callback=callback)
[docs] async def get_cdp_event_iter(self, event: str) -> typing.AsyncIterable[dict]: """ iterate over a cdp event :param event: name of the event to iterate over .. code-block:: Python async for data in await target.get_cdp_event_iter("Page.frameNavigated"): print(data["frame"]["url"] .. warning:: **async only** supported for now """ if not self.socket: await self._init() return self.socket.method_iterator(method=event)
[docs] async def execute_cdp_cmd(self, cmd: str, cmd_args: dict or None = None, timeout: float or None = 10) -> dict: """Execute Chrome Devtools Protocol command and get returned result The command and command args should follow chrome devtools protocol domains/commands, refer to link :Args: - cmd: A str, command name - cmd_args: A dict, command args. empty dict {} if there is no command args :Usage: :: target.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.getResponseBody', {'requestId': requestId}) :Returns: A dict, empty dict {} if there is no result to return. For example to getResponseBody: {'base64Encoded': False, 'body': 'response body string'} """ if not self.socket: await self._init() result = await self.socket.exec(method=cmd, params=cmd_args, timeout=timeout) if cmd == "Page.enable": self._page_enabled = True elif cmd == "Page.disable": self._page_enabled = False elif cmd == "DOM.enable": self._dom_enabled = True elif cmd == "DOM.disable": self._dom_enabled = False return result
[docs] async def fetch(self, url: str, method: typing.Literal[ "GET", "POST", "HEAD", "PUT", "DELETE", "CONNECT", "OPTIONS", "TRACE", None] = "GET", headers: typing.Dict[str, str] = None, body: str = None, mode: typing.Literal["cors", "no-cors", "same-origin", None] = None, credentials: typing.Literal["omit", "same-origin", "include"] = None, cache: typing.Literal[ "default", "no-store", "reload", "no-cache", "force-cache", "only-if-cached"] = None, redirect: typing.Literal["follow", "error"] = None, referrer: str = None, referrer_policy: typing.Literal[ "no-referrer", "no-referrer-when-downgrade", "same-origin", "origin", "strict-origin", "origin-when-cross-origin", "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "unsafe-url"] = None, integrity: str = None, keepalive=None, priority: typing.Literal["high", "low", "auto", None] = "high", timeout: float = 20) -> dict: """ executes a JS ``fetch`` request within the target, see ` <>`_ for reference returns smth like .. code-block:: Python { "body":bytes, "headers":dict, "ok":bool, "status_code":int, "redirected":bool, "status_text":str, "type":str, "url":str } """ # see options = {} if method: options["method"] = method if headers: options["headers"] = headers if body: options["body"] = body if mode: options["mode"] = mode if credentials: options["credentials"] = credentials if cache: options["cache"] = cache if redirect: options["redirect"] = redirect if referrer: options["referrer"] = referrer if referrer_policy: options["referrerPolicy"] = referrer_policy if integrity: options["integrity"] = integrity if keepalive: options["keepalive"] = keepalive if priority: options["priority"] = priority script = """ function buffer2hex (buffer) { return [ Uint8Array (buffer)] .map (b => b.toString (16).padStart (2, "0")) .join (""); } function headers2dict(headers){ var my_dict = {}; for (var pair of headers.entries()) { my_dict[pair[0]] = pair[1]}; return my_dict} async function get(url, options){ var response = await fetch(url, options); var buffer = await response.arrayBuffer() var hex = buffer2hex(buffer) var res = { "HEX":hex, "headers":headers2dict(response.headers), "ok":response.ok, "status_code":response.status, "redirected":response.redirected, "status_text":response.statusText, "type":response.type, "url":response.url }; console.log(res) return res; } return await get(arguments[0], arguments[1]) """ result = await self.eval_async(script, url, options, unique_context=True, timeout=timeout) result["body"] = bytes.fromhex(result["HEX"]) del result["HEX"] return result
[docs] async def xhr(self, url: str, method: typing.Literal["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"] = "GET", user: str = None, password: str = None, with_credentials: bool = True, mime_type: str = "text/plain", extra_headers: typing.Dict[str, str] = None, timeout: float = 30) -> dict: """ executes a JS ``XMLHttpRequest`` request within the target, see ` <>`_ for reference :param url: the url to get :param method: one of "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE" :param user: user to authenticate with :param password: password to authenticate with :param with_credentials: whether to include cookies :param mime_type: the type to parse the response as :param extra_headers: a key/value dict of extra headers to add to the request :param timeout: timeout in seconds for the request to take returns smth like .. code-block:: Python { "status": int, "response": any, "responseText":str, "responseType":str, "responseURL":str, "responseXML":any, "statusText":str, "responseHeaders":dict } """ if extra_headers is None: extra_headers = {} script = """ function makeRequest(withCredentials, mimeType, extraHeaders, ...args) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { try{ let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if(!(args[3])){args[3] = null}; if(!(args[4])){args[4] = null}; xhr.overrideMimeType(mimeType);; Object.keys(extraHeaders).forEach(function(key) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, extraHeaders[key]) }); xhr.withCredentials = withCredentials; xhr.onload = function () { resolve(xhr) }; xhr.onerror = function () { reject(new Error("XHR failed")); }; xhr.send(); }catch(e){reject(e)} }); }; var xhr = await makeRequest(...arguments); data = { status: xhr.status, response: xhr.response, responseText:xhr.responseText, responseType:xhr.responseType, responseURL:xhr.responseURL, responseXML:xhr.responseXML, statusText:xhr.statusText, responseHeaders:xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() }; return data """ data = await self.eval_async(script, with_credentials, mime_type, extra_headers, method, url, True, user, password, timeout=timeout, unique_context=True) # parse headers headers = data['responseHeaders'] if headers == "null": _headers = {} else: headers = headers.split("\r\n") _headers = {} for header in headers: header = header.split(': ') if len(header) == 2: key, value = header _headers[key] = value data['responseHeaders'] = _headers # todo: parse different response types return data
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] async def get_sinks(self) -> list: """ :Returns: A list of sinks available for Cast. """ await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Cast.enable") raise NotImplementedError("not started with chromedriver")
[docs] async def get_issue_message(self): """ :Returns: An error message when there is any issue in a Cast session. """ raise NotImplementedError("not started with chromedriver")
[docs] async def set_sink_to_use(self, sink_name: str) -> dict: """Sets a specific sink, using its name, as a Cast session receiver target. :Args: - sink_name: Name of the sink to use as the target. """ return await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Cast.setSinkToUse", {"sinkName": sink_name})
[docs] async def start_desktop_mirroring(self, sink_name: str) -> dict: """Starts a desktop mirroring session on a specific receiver target. :Args: - sink_name: Name of the sink to use as the target. """ return await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Cast.startDesktopMirrorin", {"sinkName": sink_name})
[docs] async def start_tab_mirroring(self, sink_name: str) -> dict: """Starts a tab mirroring session on a specific receiver target. :param sink_name: Name of the sink to use as the target. """ return await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Cast.startTabMirroring", {"sinkName": sink_name})
[docs] async def stop_casting(self, sink_name: str) -> dict: """Stops the existing Cast session on a specific receiver target. :param sink_name: Name of the sink to stop the Cast session. """ return await self.execute_cdp_cmd("Cast.stopCasting", {"sinkName": sink_name})
[docs] class TargetInfo: """ Info for a Target .. note:: the infos are not dynamic """ def __init__(self, target_info: dict, target_getter: asyncio.Future or Target): self._id = target_info.get('targetId') self._type = target_info.get("type") self._title = target_info.get("title") self._url = target_info.get("url") self._attached = target_info.get("attached") self._opener_id = target_info.get("openerId") self._can_access_opener = target_info.get('canAccessOpener') self._opener_frame_id = target_info.get("openerFrameId") self._browser_context_id = target_info.get('browserContextId') self._subtype = target_info.get("subtype") self._target = target_getter self._started = False def __await__(self): return self._init().__await__() async def _init(self): if not self._started: self._started = True return self # noinspection PyPep8Naming @property def Target(self) -> Target: """ the Target itself """ return self._target @property def id(self) -> str: """the ``Target.TargetID``""" return self._id @property def type(self) -> str: return self._type @property def title(self) -> str: return self._title @property def url(self) -> str: return self._url @property def attached(self) -> str: """Whether the target has an attached client.""" return self._attached @property def opener_id(self) -> str: """Opener ``Target.TargetId``""" return self._opener_id @property def can_access_opener(self): """Whether the target has access to the originating window.""" return self._can_access_opener @property def opener_frame_id(self): """``Page.FrameId`` of originating window (is only set if target has an opener).""" return self._opener_frame_id @property def browser_context_id(self): """``Browser.BrowserContextID``""" return self._browser_context_id @property def subtype(self): """Provides additional details for specific target types. For example, for the type of "page", this may be set to "portal" or "prerender""" return self._subtype def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(type="{self.type}",title="{self.title})"'