Source code for selenium_driverless.types.webelement

# Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The SFC licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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# modified by kaliiiiiiiiii | Aurin Aegerter
# all modifications are licensed under the license provided at

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import time
import warnings
import numpy as np
import typing
import aiofiles

from base64 import b64decode
from collections import defaultdict
from cdp_socket.exceptions import CDPError

# driverless
from import By
from selenium_driverless.types.deserialize import JSRemoteObj, StaleJSRemoteObjReference
from selenium_driverless.scripts.geometry import rand_mid_loc

class NoSuchElementException(Exception):

class StaleElementReferenceException(StaleJSRemoteObjReference):
    def __init__(self, elem):
        elem._stale = True
        message = f"Page or Frame has been reloaded, or the element removed, {elem}"
        super().__init__(_object=elem, message=message)

class ElementNotVisible(Exception):

class ElementNotInteractable(Exception):
    def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, _type: str = "interactable"):
        super().__init__(f"element not {_type} at x:{x}, y:{y}, it might be hidden under another one")

class ElementNotClickable(ElementNotInteractable):
    def __init__(self, x: float, y: float):
        super().__init__(x, y, _type="clickable")

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs] class WebElement(JSRemoteObj): """Represents a DOM element. Generally, all interesting operations that interact with a document will be performed through this interface. All method calls will do a freshness check to ensure that the element reference is still valid. This essentially determines whether the element is still attached to the DOM. If this test fails, then a ``StaleElementReferenceException`` is thrown, and all future calls to this instance will fail. """ def __init__(self, target, frame_id: int or None, isolated_exec_id: int or None, obj_id=None, node_id=None, backend_node_id: str = None, loop=None, class_name: str = None, context_id: int = None, is_iframe: bool = False) -> None: self._loop = loop if not (obj_id or node_id or backend_node_id): raise ValueError("either js, obj_id or node_id need to be specified") self._node_id = node_id self._backend_node_id = backend_node_id self._class_name = class_name self._started = False self.___context_id__ = context_id self._obj_ids = {context_id: obj_id} self.___frame_id__ = None self._is_iframe = is_iframe self._stale = False if obj_id and context_id: self._obj_ids[context_id] = obj_id self.___obj_id__ = None super().__init__(target=target, frame_id=frame_id, obj_id=obj_id, isolated_exec_id=isolated_exec_id) def __await__(self): return self.__aenter__().__await__() async def __aenter__(self): if not self._started: if not self.__target__._page_enabled: await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.enable") self._started = True return self @property async def obj_id(self) -> str: """**async** returns the `Runtime.RemoteObjectId <>`_ for the element """ return await self.__obj_id_for_context__() @property async def context_id(self): """ **async** the ``Runtime.ExecutionContextId`` """ self._check_stale() if not self.___context_id__: await self.obj_id return self.__context_id__ def _check_stale(self): if self._stale: raise StaleElementReferenceException(elem=self) @property def _args_builder(self) -> dict: self._check_stale() if self._node_id: return {"nodeId": self._node_id} elif self.__obj_id__: return {"objectId": self.__obj_id__} elif self._backend_node_id: return {"backendNodeId": self._backend_node_id} else: raise ValueError(f"missing remote element id's for {self}") async def __obj_id_for_context__(self, context_id: int = None): self._check_stale() if not self._obj_ids.get(context_id): args = {} if self._backend_node_id: args["backendNodeId"] = self._backend_node_id elif self._node_id: args["nodeId"] = self._node_id else: raise ValueError(f"missing remote element id's for {self}") if context_id: args["executionContextId"] = context_id try: res = await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.resolveNode", args) except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32000 and 'No node with given id found' in e.message: raise StaleElementReferenceException(self) else: raise e obj_id = res["object"].get("objectId") if obj_id: if self.__context_id__ == context_id: self.___obj_id__ = obj_id self._obj_ids[context_id] = obj_id class_name = res["object"].get("className") if class_name: self._class_name = class_name return self._obj_ids.get(context_id) @property def __context_id__(self): if self.__obj_id__: return int(self.__obj_id__.split(".")[1]) else: return self.___context_id__ @property async def node_id(self): """ **async** the ``DOM.NodeId`` """ self._check_stale() if not self._node_id: node = await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.requestNode", {"objectId": await self.obj_id}) self._node_id = node["nodeId"] return self._node_id @property async def __frame_id__(self) -> int: if not self.___frame_id__: await self._describe() return self.___frame_id__ @property async def content_document(self): """ **async** gets the document of the iframe """ _desc = await self._describe() if _desc.get("localName") == "iframe": node = _desc.get("contentDocument") if node: frame_id = _desc.get("frameId") if node['documentURL'] == 'about:blank': # wait for frame to load if not self.__target__._page_enabled: await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.enable") async for data in await self.__target__.get_cdp_event_iter("Page.frameNavigated"): frame = data["frame"] if frame["id"] == frame_id: break self._stale = False _desc = await self._describe() node = _desc.get("contentDocument") if self._loop: from selenium_driverless.sync.webelement import WebElement as SyncWebElement return await SyncWebElement(backend_node_id=node.get('backendNodeId'), target=self.__target__, loop=self._loop, class_name='HTMLIFrameElement', isolated_exec_id=None, frame_id=frame_id) else: return await WebElement(backend_node_id=node.get('backendNodeId'), target=self.__target__, loop=self._loop, class_name='HTMLIFrameElement', isolated_exec_id=None, frame_id=frame_id) # different target for cross-site targets = await self.__target__.get_targets_for_iframes([self]) if targets: return await targets[0]._document_elem @property async def document_url(self): """**async** gets the url if the element is an iframe, else returns ``None``""" res = await self._describe() return res.get('documentURL') @property async def backend_node_id(self): """ **async** the ``DOM.BackendNodeId`` """ if not self._backend_node_id: await self._describe() return self._backend_node_id @property def class_name(self): """ the ClassName of the element (if available) """ return self._class_name
[docs] async def find_element(self, by: str, value: str, idx: int = 0, timeout: int or None = None): """find an element in the current target :param by: one of the locators at :func:`By <>` :param value: the actual query to find the element by :param timeout: how long to wait for the element to exist :param idx: might be removed """ elems = [] start = time.perf_counter() while not elems: elems = await self.find_elements(by=by, value=value) if (not timeout) or (time.perf_counter() - start) > timeout: break if elems: if isinstance(elems, list): return elems[idx] else: raise Exception( "find_elements returned not a list. This possibly is related to\n", elems) raise NoSuchElementException()
[docs] async def find_elements(self, by: str = By.ID, value: str or None = None): """find multiple elements in the current target :param by: one of the locators at :func:`By <>` :param value: the actual query to find the elements by """ from import By if by == By.ID: by = By.XPATH value = f'//*[@id="{value}"]' elif by == By.CLASS_NAME: by = By.XPATH value = f'//*[@class="{value}"]' elif by == By.NAME: by = By.XPATH value = f'//*[@name="{value}"]' if by == By.TAG_NAME: return await self.execute_script("return obj.getElementsByTagName(arguments[0])", value, serialization="deep", unique_context=True, timeout=10) elif by == By.CSS_SELECTOR: return await self.execute_script("return obj.querySelectorAll(arguments[0])", value, timeout=10, unique_context=True) elif by == By.XPATH: script = """return document.evaluate( arguments[0], obj, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null, );""" return await self.execute_script(script, value, serialization="deep", timeout=10, unique_context=True) else: raise ValueError("unexpected by")
async def _describe(self): args = {"pierce": True} args.update(self._args_builder) res = await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.describeNode", args) res = res["node"] self._backend_node_id = res["backendNodeId"] self._node_id = res["nodeId"] self.___frame_id__ = res.get("frameId") return res
[docs] async def get_listeners(self, depth: int = 3): """ gets all listeners on the element. see `DOMDebugger.getEventListeners <>`_ :param depth: maximum depth (nested elements) to find listeners for """ res = await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd( "DOMDebugger.getEventListeners", {"objectId": await self.obj_id, "depth": depth, "pierce": True}) return res['listeners']
@property async def source(self): """ **async** the OuterHtml of the element """ args = self._args_builder try: res = await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.getOuterHTML", args) except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32000 and e.message == 'Could not find node with given id': raise StaleElementReferenceException(self) else: raise e return res["outerHTML"]
[docs] async def set_source(self, value: str): """ sets the OuterHTML of the element :param value: the str to set the outerHtml to """ try: await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.setOuterHTML", {"nodeId": await self.node_id, "outerHTML": value}) except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32000 and 'Could not find node with given id' in e.message: raise StaleElementReferenceException(self) else: raise e
[docs] async def get_property(self, name: str) -> str or None: """Gets the given property of the element. :param name: the name of the property to get .. note:: this gets the JavaScript property (``elem[name]``), and not HTML property """ return await self.execute_script(f"return obj[arguments[0]]", name)
@property async def tag_name(self) -> str: """This element's ``tagName`` property.""" node = await self._describe() return node["localName"] @property async def text(self) -> str: """**async** The text of the element. (``elem.textContent``)""" return await self.get_property("textContent") @property async def value(self) -> str: """**async** The value of the element. (``elem.value``)""" return await self.get_property("value")
[docs] async def clear(self) -> None: """Clears the text if it's a text entry element. (``elem.value = ""``) """ await self.execute_script("obj.value = ''", unique_context=True)
[docs] async def remove(self): """ remove the element from the page//dom//html """ await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.removeNode", {"nodeId": await self.node_id})
[docs] async def highlight(self, highlight=True): """ highlight the element :param highlight: whether to disable or enable highlight .. note:: highlight automatically fades on any user-interaction, you might use a for-loop """ if not self.__target__._dom_enabled: await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.enable") if highlight: args = self._args_builder args["highlightConfig"] = { "showInfo": True, "borderColor": { "r": 76, "g": 175, "b": 80, "a": 1 }, "contentColor": { "r": 76, "g": 175, "b": 80, "a": 0.24 }, "shapeColor": { "r": 76, "g": 175, "b": 80, "a": 0.24 } } await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("Overlay.enable") await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("Overlay.highlightNode", args) else: await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("Overlay.disable")
[docs] async def focus(self): """ focuses the element (``Dom.focus``) """ args = self._args_builder return await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.focus", args)
[docs] async def is_clickable(self, listener_depth=3): """ returns ``True`` if the element type is one of "a", "button", "command", "details", "input", "select", "textarea", "video", "map" else wise checks for "click", "mousedown" or "mouseup" event listeners on the element :param listener_depth: the depth (nested elements) to get event-listeners for """ _type = await self.tag_name if _type in ["a", "button", "command", "details", "input", "select", "textarea", "video", "map"]: return True is_clickable: bool = listener_depth is None if not is_clickable: listeners = await self.get_listeners(depth=listener_depth) for listener in listeners: _type = listener["type"] if _type in ["click", "mousedown", "mouseup"]: is_clickable = True break return is_clickable
[docs] async def click(self, timeout: float = None, visible_timeout: float = 30, spread_a: float = 1, spread_b: float = 1, bias_a: float = 0.5, bias_b: float = 0.5, border: float = 0.05, scroll_to=True, move_to: bool = True, ensure_clickable: typing.Union[bool, int] = False) -> None: """Clicks the element. :param timeout: the time in seconds to take for clicking on the element :param visible_timeout: the time in seconds to wait for being able to compute the elements box model :param spread_a: spread over a :param spread_b: spread over b :param bias_a: bias over a (0-1) :param bias_b: bias over b (0-1) :param border: minimum border towards element edges (relative to element => 1). Random generated points outside that border get re-generated. :param scroll_to: whether to scroll to the element :param move_to: whether to move the mouse to the element :param ensure_clickable: whether to ensure that the element is clickable. Not reliable in on every webpage .. note:: a spread of 1 is equivalent to 6 std. relative to the element. (=> 99.7 %) """ if scroll_to: await self.scroll_to() cords = None start = time.perf_counter() while not cords: try: cords = await self.mid_location(spread_a, spread_b, bias_a, bias_b, border) except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32000 and 'Could not compute box model.' in e.message: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) else: raise e if (time.perf_counter() - start) > visible_timeout: raise asyncio.TimeoutError(f"Couldn't compute element location within {visible_timeout} seconds") x, y = cords if ensure_clickable: is_clickable = await self.is_clickable() if not is_clickable: raise ElementNotClickable(x, y) await, y=y, click_kwargs={"timeout": timeout}, move_to=move_to)
[docs] async def write(self, text: str, click_kwargs=None, click_on: bool = True): """ inserts literal text to the element .. warning:: This method is generally detectable. You might consider using :func:`Elem.send_keys <selenium_driverless.types.webelement.WebElement.send_keys>` instead. :param text: the text to send :param click_kwargs: arguments to pass for :func:`Elem.send_keys <selenium_driverless.types.webelement.WebElement.send_keys>` :param click_on: whether to click on the element before inserting the text """ if click_kwargs is None: click_kwargs = {} if click_on: await**click_kwargs) else: await self.focus() await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("Input.insertText", {"text": text})
[docs] async def set_file(self, path: str): """ sets the file on the current element (has to accept files) :param path: the absolute path to the file """ await self.set_files([path])
[docs] async def set_files(self, paths: typing.List[str]): """ sets files on the current element (has to accept files) :param paths: the absolute paths to the files """ args = {"files": paths} args.update(self._args_builder) await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.setFileInputFiles", args)
[docs] async def send_keys(self, text: str, click_kwargs: dict = None, click_on: bool = True) -> None: """ send text & keys to the target :param text: the text to send to the target :param click_kwargs: arguments to pass for :func:`Elem.send_keys <selenium_driverless.types.webelement.WebElement.send_keys>` :param click_on: whether to click on the element before sending the keys """ if click_kwargs is None: click_kwargs = {} if click_on: await**click_kwargs) else: await self.focus() await self.__target__.send_keys(text)
[docs] async def mid_location(self, spread_a: float = 1, spread_b: float = 1, bias_a: float = 0.5, bias_b: float = 0.5, border: float = 0.05) -> typing.List[int]: """ returns random location in the element with probability close to the middle :param spread_a: spread over a :param spread_b: spread over b :param bias_a: bias over a (0-1) :param bias_b: bias over b (0-1) :param border: minimum border towards element edges (relative to the element => 1). Random generated points outside that border get re-generated. .. note:: a spread of 1 is equivalent to 6 std. relative to the element. (=> 99.7 %) """ box = await self.box_model vertices = box["content"] point = rand_mid_loc(vertices, spread_a, spread_b, bias_a, bias_b, border) # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable x = int(point[0]) y = int(point[1]) return [x, y]
[docs] async def submit(self): """Submits a form. .. warning:: the current implementation likely is detectable. It's recommended to use click instead if possible """ script = ( "/* submitForm */var form = this;\n" 'while (form.nodeName != "FORM" && form.parentNode) {\n' " form = form.parentNode;\n" "}\n" "if (!form) { throw Error('Unable to find containing form element'); }\n" "if (!form.ownerDocument) { throw Error('Unable to find owning document'); }\n" "var e = form.ownerDocument.createEvent('Event');\n" "e.initEvent('submit', true, true);\n" "if (form.dispatchEvent(e)) { }\n" ) return await self.execute_script(script, unique_context=True)
@property async def dom_attributes(self) -> dict: """returns the dom attributes as a dict .. warning:: this isn't implemented properly yet and might change, use :func:`WebElement.execute_script <selenium_driverless.types.webelement.WelElement.execute_script` instead """ try: res = await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.getAttributes", {"nodeId": await self.node_id}) attr_list = res["attributes"] attributes_dict = defaultdict(lambda: None) for i in range(0, len(attr_list), 2): key = attr_list[i] value = attr_list[i + 1] attributes_dict[key] = value return attributes_dict except CDPError as e: if not (e.code == -32000 and 'Node is not an Element' in e.message): raise e
[docs] async def get_dom_attribute(self, name: str) -> str or None: """Gets the given attribute of the element. Only returns attributes declared in the element's HTML markup. :param name: Name of the attribute to retrieve. .. warning:: this isn't implemented properly yet and might change, use :func:`WebElement.execute_script <selenium_driverless.types.webelement.WelElement.execute_script` instead """ attrs = await self.dom_attributes return attrs[name]
[docs] async def set_dom_attribute(self, name: str, value: str): """set a dom_attribute :param name: the name of the DOM (=>html) attribute :param value: the value to set the attribute to """ await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.setAttributeValue", {"nodeId": await self.node_id, "name": name, "value": value})
[docs] async def get_attribute(self, name): """Alias to WebElement.get_property. .. warning:: this isn't implemented properly yet and might change, use :func:`WebElement.execute_script <selenium_driverless.types.webelement.WelElement.execute_script` instead """ return await self.get_property(name)
[docs] async def is_selected(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the element is selected. Can be used to check if a checkbox or radio button is selected. """ result = await self.get_property("checked") if result: return True else: return False
[docs] async def is_enabled(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the element is enabled.""" return not await self.get_property("disabled")
@property async def shadow_root(self): """the shadowRoot of the element .. warning:: this does not support (yet) closed shadow-DOM elements """ # todo: move to CDP return await self.execute_script("return obj.shadowRoot") # RenderedWebElement Items
[docs] async def is_displayed(self) -> bool: """Whether the element is visible to a user.""" try: # Only go into this conditional for browsers that don't use the atom themselves size = await self.size return not (size["height"] == 0 or size["width"] == 0) except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32000 and 'Could not compute box model.' in e.message: return False else: raise e
@property async def location_once_scrolled_into_view(self) -> dict: """ scrolls to the element and returns the coordinates of it """ await self.scroll_to() result = await self.rect return {"x": round(result["x"]), "y": round(result["y"])}
[docs] async def scroll_to(self, rect: dict = None): """ scroll to the element .. note:: this isn't properly implemented yet and might be detectable """ args = self._args_builder if rect: args["rect"] = rect try: await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded", args) return True except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32000 and 'Node is detached from document' in e.message: return False
@property async def size(self) -> dict: """**async** The size of the element.""" box_model = await self.box_model return {"height": box_model["height"], "width": box_model["width"]}
[docs] async def value_of_css_property(self, property_name) -> str: """ .. warning:: NotImplemented """ raise NotImplementedError("you might use javascript instead")
@property async def location(self) -> dict: """The location of the element in the renderable canvas.""" result = await self.rect return {"x": round(result["x"]), "y": round(result["y"])} @property async def rect(self) -> dict: """A dictionary with the size and location of the element.""" # todo: calculate form DOM.getBoxModel result = await self.execute_script("return obj.getClientRects()[0].toJSON()", serialization="json", unique_context=True) return result @property async def css_metrics(self) -> typing.List[dict, float]: script = """ function getRotationAngle(target) { const _obj = window.getComputedStyle(target, null); const matrix = _obj.getPropertyValue('transform'); let angle = 0; if (matrix !== 'none') { const values = matrix.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(','); const a = values[0]; const b = values[1]; angle = Math.round(Math.atan2(b, a) * (180/Math.PI)); } return (angle < 0) ? angle +=360 : angle; } var _rects = obj.getClientRects() var rects = [] for(let i = 0; i < _rects.length; i++){ rects.push(_rects[i].toJSON()) } var rotation = getRotationAngle(obj) return [rects, rotation] """ return await self.execute_script(script, max_depth=4) @property async def box_model(self) -> dict: """**async** returns the box model of the element. see `DOM.BoxModel <>`_ """ args = self._args_builder try: res = await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("DOM.getBoxModel", args) except CDPError as e: if e.code == -32000 and e.message == 'Cannot find context with specified id': raise StaleElementReferenceException(self) else: raise e model = res['model'] keys = ['content', 'padding', 'border', 'margin'] for key in keys: quad = model[key] model[key] = np.array([[quad[0], quad[1]], [quad[2], quad[3]], [quad[4], quad[5]], [quad[6], quad[7]]]) return model @property async def aria_role(self) -> str: """**async** Returns the ARIA role of the current web element.""" # todo: move to CDP return await self.get_property("ariaRoleDescription") @property async def accessible_name(self) -> str: """**async** Returns the ARIA Level of the current webelement.""" # todo: move to CDP return await self.get_property("ariaLevel") @property async def screenshot_as_base64(self) -> str: """**async** gets a screenshot as Base64 from the element """ element_data = await self.box_model x = element_data["content"][0][0] y = element_data["content"][0][1] width = element_data["width"] height = element_data["height"] get_image_bas64 = await self.__target__.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.captureScreenshot", { "clip": { "x": int(x), "y": int(y), "width": int(width), "height": int(height), "scale": 1 } }) return get_image_bas64["data"] @property async def screenshot_as_png(self) -> bytes: """**async** Gets the screenshot of the current element as a binary data. (PNG format) """ res = await self.screenshot_as_base64 return b64decode(res.encode("ascii"))
[docs] async def screenshot(self, filename) -> bool: """Saves a screenshot of the current element to a PNG image file. :param filename: path to save the png to """ if not filename.lower().endswith(".png"): warnings.warn( "name used for saved screenshot does not match file " "type. It should end with a `.png` extension", UserWarning, ) png = await self.screenshot_as_png try: async with, "wb") as f: await f.write(png) except OSError: return False finally: del png return True
@property async def parent(self) -> WebElement: """**async** The parent element this element""" args = {} if self._node_id: args["nodeId"] = self._node_id else: args["objectId"] = await self.obj_id node: dict = await self._describe() node_id = node.get("parentId") if node_id: if self._loop: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return await SyncWebElement(node_id=node_id, target=self.__target__, context_id=self.__context_id__, isolated_exec_id=self.___isolated_exec_id__, frame_id=await self.__frame_id__) else: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return await WebElement(node_id=node_id, target=self.__target__, context_id=self.__context_id__, isolated_exec_id=self.___isolated_exec_id__, frame_id=await self.__frame_id__) @property def children(self): return self.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "*") async def execute_raw_script(self, script: str, *args, await_res: bool = False, serialization: str = None, max_depth: int = 2, timeout: float = 2, execution_context_id: str = None, unique_context: bool = True): return await self.__exec_raw__(script, *args, await_res=await_res, serialization=serialization, max_depth=max_depth, timeout=timeout, execution_context_id=execution_context_id, unique_context=unique_context)
[docs] async def execute_script(self, script: str, *args, max_depth: int = 2, serialization: str = None, timeout: float = 2, execution_context_id: str = None, unique_context: bool = True): """executes JavaScript synchronously .. code-block:: js return document ``this`` and ``obj`` refers to the element here see :func:`Target.execute_raw_script <>` for argument descriptions """ return await self.__exec__(script, *args, max_depth=max_depth, serialization=serialization, timeout=timeout, unique_context=unique_context, execution_context_id=execution_context_id)
[docs] async def execute_async_script(self, script: str, *args, max_depth: int = 2, serialization: str = None, timeout: float = 2, execution_context_id: str = None, unique_context: bool = True): """executes JavaScript asynchronously .. warning:: using execute_async_script is not recommended as it doesn't handle exceptions correctly. Use :func:`Chrome.eval_async <selenium_driverless.webdriver.Chrome.eval_async>` .. code-block:: js resolve = arguments[arguments.length-1] ``this`` refers to ``globalThis`` (=> window) see :func:`Target.execute_raw_script <>` for argument descriptions """ return await self.__exec_async__(script, *args, max_depth=max_depth, serialization=serialization, timeout=timeout, unique_context=unique_context, execution_context_id=execution_context_id)
[docs] async def eval_async(self, script: str, *args, max_depth: int = 2, serialization: str = None, timeout: float = None, execution_context_id: str = None, unique_context: bool = None): """executes JavaScript asynchronously .. code-block:: js res = await fetch(""); // mind CORS! json = await res.json() return json ``this`` refers to the element see :func:`Target.execute_raw_script <>` for argument descriptions """ return await self.__eval_async__(script, *args, max_depth=max_depth, serialization=serialization, timeout=timeout, unique_context=unique_context, execution_context_id=execution_context_id)
def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.class_name}", ' f'obj_id={self.__obj_id__}, node_id="{self._node_id}", backend_node_id={self._backend_node_id}, ' f'context_id={self.__context_id__})') def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, WebElement): if other.__target__ == self.__target__: if other.__obj_id__ and self.__obj_id__: return other.__obj_id__.split(".")[0] == self.__obj_id__.split(".")[0] elif other._backend_node_id == self._backend_node_id: return True elif other._node_id == self._node_id: return True return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)